Analytics reporting provides hosts with various visitor referral sources and visitors count. These reporting tools are for both the Link shortening and website tracking code tool – although some data is not available with link shortening.
Acquisition Reports #
The current reporting analytics available are;
1. All Channels
Aggregate data which includes Channel Type and Referral Source.
2. Websites
Referring website domains and visit count.
3. Search Engines
Search engine name and visit count.
4. Social Networks
Social network name and visit count.
5. Campaigns
Campaign name and unique visits count.
To access these reports, head over to the Acquisition menu –>

Homepage Stats #

When first logging in to the app dashboard you’ll find a quick stats overview which displays aggregate data at the top in widget format, and traffic and referral source data below that.
Note that the “quick stats” data may differ depending on which features of the app you use.